Aryan SinghBlockchain developer roadmap 2022Let’s see how to become a blockchain developer in this guide. Checkout for all awesome resources related to resume, skills…Aug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
Reza MansouriImplementing API Project In .NET Part 6(Last Part) , CRUD In RestAPI Part 2In this article, we will implement the GetAll Update Delete actions to complete our CRUD operation. Of course, we wrote their serviceJun 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022
Reza MansouriImplementing API Project In .NET Part 5 , CRUD In RestAPIAt the end of the previous part, our users login operation was completed successfully, we continue to work on adding, editing and deletingJun 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022
Reza MansouriImplementing API Project In .NET Part 3 , Endpint With RestAPIIn this part, we created the Endpiont layer project or the same Peresention as RestApi type, then in the User service, which is in our…Jun 28, 20222Jun 28, 20222
Reza MansouriImplementing API Project In .NET Part 4 , RestAPI Authentication JwtSo how does JWT work? In a nutshell, a pre-registered user logs in. After checking the username and password, we return a token to the userJun 29, 2022Jun 29, 2022
Reza MansouriImplement the API project in .NET, Part 2 , ApplicationServices and DataLayerThe application layer contains operations that business rules require to be performed on system entities.Jun 27, 20221Jun 27, 20221
Reza MansouriImplementing API Project In .NET Part 1 Onion ArchitectureIn a few articles, I plan to write a small project together with Onion Architecture, of course, to exchange some information about…Jun 25, 2022Jun 25, 2022